
MNLGA Member Directory 

Looking for a retail garden center, landscape architect, public garden, or landscape contractor in your area? Use our public directory linked to the right! (Please note that this directory is not the full listing of MNLGA members, just those who offer public services. If you have questions about a certain company that doesn't show in the directory, please call the MNLGA office at 410-823-8684).   

Certified Professional Horticulturist Program

The Maryland Nursery, Landscape and Greenhouse Association (MNLGA) is an association of regionally located businesses engaged in the horticulture industry with an interest in protecting and enhancing the quality of Maryland's "green" industry. The MNLGA has a program in place that can help you, the consumer. The program, the Certified Professional Horticulturist (CPH) is a certification that qualifies the knowledge and skills of employees of Maryland businesses. Be sure to ask for CPH certification when preparing to hire a business and their services. For more information about CPH, please visit the CPH page. If you're looking for an MNLGA member company that employs Certified Professional Horticulturists use the directory linked to the right. 

University of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center

The Maryland Home and Garden Information Center is a tax-payer-funded program run by the University of Maryland Extension. The program's purpose is to serve as a science-based gardening resource for all Maryland residents. The MNLGA encourages you to check out the endless resources found on their website. Consumers may submit gardening and yard care questions (include pictures) using their Ask Extension form:, and they will receive a reply from a Certified Professional Horticulturist or Master Gardener. The website features resources on soil testing, native plants, food gardening, lawn care and lawn alternatives, and insects commonly found in Maryland. You can subscribe to their Maryland Grows Blog, and their YouTube channel is full of informative videos. Check them out on Instagram and Facebook too!

Maryland's Best Program

The Maryland Department of Agriculture also promotes the "Maryland's Best" program, from which you may locate retail garden centers, farmers' markets, pick-your-own farms (fruit and Christmas trees), and many other great resources. Maryland's Best Program strives to connect Maryland farmers with consumers just like you. The site also advertises local nurseries and garden centers throughout the month. Learn more about the Maryland's Best program.

Five Million Trees for Maryland

The initiative is simple, to plant and maintain 5 million native trees in Maryland by 2031. This site tracks the progress of planting throughout the state, spreads information and resources, and encourages individuals and communities to get out and plant trees! Learn more about the Five Million Trees for Maryland program.