MD Green Industry Council (MaGIC)

History of MaGIC

The Maryland Green Industry Council (MaGIC) is a coalition of associations, established in 2002, whose purpose is to represent Green Industry interests in the legislative and regulatory processes in Maryland. These efforts include furthering the understanding of green industry issues among legislators, regulators, the governor's office, and consumers through education, promotion, expert advice and testimony.

The Green Industry in Maryland provides the products and services that beautify, protect, and improve home, health, habitat, environment and water quality. Green Industry businesses include nursery, greenhouse, landscape, interiorscape, arborists, garden centers, turfgrass producers and managers, arboretums, botanical gardens, and any other businesses working with ornamental/environmental plants...Read More

Member Associations

Legislative Updates 

The updates below are periodically sent out to MNLGA members on behalf of the Maryland Green Industry Council. This bulletin will be distributed as necessary during the 90-day Maryland General Assembly to communicate and seek feedback on legislative issues potentially affecting the Green Industry and your businesses. Click here for the most recent legislative updates as well as final reports from previous legislative sessions.

MaGIC Officers and Chairmen 

John Murphy
Murphy Johns, Inc.

John Davis
Maryland Arborist Association, Inc.
Bartlett Tree Experts

Mark Schlossberg
Pro-Lawn-Plus, Inc.

Executive Director 
Lindsay Thompson
Maryland Agricultural Associates

MaGIC Contact Information

Maryland Green Industry Council
118 Dundee Ave.
Chester, MD 21619

(O) 443-262-8491

Lindsay Thompson, Executive Director